[collectd] perl-Collectd rpm

Giovanni Torres giovanni.torres at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 16:01:18 CEST 2015

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Christian Kittlitz <ckittlitz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am trying to build the perl-Collectd RPM.  I've downloaded the 5.5
> source from https://collectd.org/files/collectd-5.5.tar.bz2, and then
> used the contrib/redhat/collectd.spec file.  However, after building, I
> don't get the perl-Collectd RPM.  I get a lot of others, but am missing
> that one.
> I've seen examples of other spec files online that are used to generate
> the perl-Collectd RPM, but those are for older versions of collectd. Is
> it missing from the current source?
> If anyone knows how to generate it, I would be very interested.
> Thanks!

Make sure you have the "perl" and "perl-ExtUtils-Embed" packages
before you build the RPM.  The perl module should be enabled by
default, if you didn't alter those lines in the spec file.


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