[collectd] Shouldnt collectd also provide an interface to the data?

Yann yann.hamon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 17:39:01 CEST 2009

> I'm actually hacking on a JSON interface onto collectd's RRDs, which
> makes it really easy to consume the data:

> http://auxesis.github.com/visage

Oh I've been dreaming of something like this
http://raphaeljs.com/analytics.html  for ages now :) Inline SVG
rendering is something with this type of features is what I consider
to be an absolute must. Please get a demo install so we can lurke ;)

Having the data served in JSON sure makes some sense as it takes away
the problem for the authentication (rely on apache or other httpd) and
makes it easier for javascript apps to get to the data. However it
means you'd need a full httpd server on your collectd host, 'm not
sure if it's the best way?

If you could try to separate the JSON serving and the rest that would
be awsome though :) If I write properly I should be able to adapt to
any other API though...

Thanks for your input!


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