[collectd] Plug-in wait time

Amit Gupta amit.gupta221 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 21:05:02 CEST 2009


It seems that the collectd plug-in's wait time to invoke the read
callback function of any plugin keeps on increasing (doubles) if the
plugin read function fails for some reason.

Due to this behavior, apache plugin's read callback function (or any
other server plugin) gets invoked after a long time if the apache
server is shutdown for sometime and then becomes online. This
apparently means that the apache statistics won't be collected by
collectd for quite sometime even if the apache is online. Is there a
way to configure the collectd (some kind of global option or a plugin
specific option) to let it call the read callback function of a plugin
after a fixed interval of time even if the read function fails (from
the collectd's code, it doesn't seem possible though other than to
hack the plugin to return a success value even if the read fails)


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