[collectd] collectd for embedded, time tag

Denys Fedoryshchenko nuclearcat at nuclearcat.com
Sun Apr 19 13:19:00 CEST 2020


I wrote minimal collectd binary protocol implementation for 
microcontroller ESP8266, https://github.com/nuclearcat/collectd-embedded 
Whole point is to collect data from multiple battery sensors, and 
collectd can save a lot of time, as it is udp and works as "fire and 
But one problem remains, chip don't have RTC, so i have to NTP each 
"wake up" to send "time" tag with timestamp.
Is there any hack to not send time, or send as zero or something, so it 
will be marked by collectd automatically as N/NOW(), as in plaintext 
protocol ?
I read wiki for binary protocol, checked sources, but quick search 
didn't hinted me at anything.
Any help appreciated.

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