[collectd] Announcement: SystemDataScope

Ruben Kerkhof ruben at rubenkerkhof.com
Tue Nov 29 11:02:33 CET 2016

On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 12:07 PM, rinigus <rinigus.git at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All:

Hi Rinigus,
> I would like to announce a GUI for collectd developed for
> visualization of recorded datasets. I did make an announcement on IRC,
> but at that time this list was not active and this was not done via
> the list.
> SystemDataScope reads the system performance data gathered by
> collectd. Graphs are generated using RRDtool and shown through
> provided GUI. If collectd is started by a GUI user through systemd,
> there is a support for starting/stopping the daemon.
> SystemDataScope is build to support multiple different log
> configurations. The configuration is setup through JSON file that can
> be specified by user and downloaded from URL (local or remote).
> Configuration can be also generated by provided python script.
> The current implementation is developed on Linux Desktops and Sailfish
> OS mobile devices. More platforms should be supported immediately or
> possible to add relatively simply, as long as QML/Qt is supported.
> The interface is revolving around stacked pages. User, after
> configuration, is presented with the top page and its possible to get
> into the details of the collected stats by pressing into the
> corresponding graph. The number of levels and connections between them
> are described by user-provided configuration.
> At present, the GUI is mainly used on Sailfish as a part of the device
> monitoring solution including collectd and rrdtool. As such, the
> generated JSON configuration is mainly tailored for the stats that are
> of interest on mobile devices: CPU, RAM, battery, processes, and few
> others. However, it should be rather simple to extend JSON configs to
> include the stats that you are interested in either by altering
> writing JSON directly.
> For Linux PC users, I presume, the main interest would be to use it to
> follow your PC when you wish to see longer-term stats. Linux interface
> does probably require some TLC - patches are welcome.
> Best wishes,
> rinigus

This looks very nice, thanks for sharing!

Kind regards,


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