[collectd] how to set a threshold using postgresql plugin

Gerardo Herzig gherzig at fmed.uba.ar
Wed Mar 2 16:22:16 CET 2016

Hi all. Im sending collectd values from a postgres DB to our collectd central server.
In DB, there is using postgres plugin like:

<Query db_movements>
  Statement "select sum(numbackends) as backends, sum(tup_inserted) as inserts, sum(tup_updated) as updates, sum(tup_deleted) as deletes 
  from pg_stat_database;"
    Type gauge
    InstancePrefix total_backends
    ValuesFrom "backends"
<Database template1>
        Interval 10
        Host localhost
        User postgres
        Query db_movements

And, in the "central" collectd server i want to set a threshold for that server, so
" If that db server is over 100 connections in use, ALERT "

At that point, i got confused about how to get it work.
I have something like that:

<Host "db_server">
    <Plugin "postgresql-template1">
      <Instance "total_backends">
        FailureMax 100.0

It throws no error, but even if i put a FailureMax of 2 or so, alert is not raising.
So, anyone can help me to know to set that alert?



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