[collectd] Combing Host Groups

Giovanni Torres giovanni.torres at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 14:40:45 CEST 2016

I think a frontend would better suit this requirement, rather than
depending on collectd alone.  You could push your collectd metrics to a
time-series database, such as InfluxDB or Graphite.  Once there, you can
use a frontend like Grafana to display the CPU metrics in aggregate on the
same graph or dashboard.  Grafana supports both InfluxDB and Graphite,
amongst other time-series databases.

Hope that helps.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 5:32 AM <Matt.Garrett at shell.com> wrote:

> Folks
> I have been looking to use collectd V5 as a replacement for Nagios /
> PNP4Nagios
> One of the main requirements is to combine the CPU usage of ALL machines
> that have the same Hostname (Group)
> i.e
> bngsti-n-b00201
> bngsti-n-b00202
> ..
> bngsti-n-b00216
> Using the Plugin aggregation I can get the total CPU usage for one host
> but cannot see a way to get the CPU usage for ALL the Hosts in the Group
> bngsti*
> I suspect this is not really a job for collectd but more for the frontend
> However I have looked at a few Frontends
> collectd-web
> Collectd Graph Panel
> None of them seem to have this function
> Any thoughts ?
> Matt
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