[collectd] Workaround for crosscompiling java plugin..

Daniel Hilst Selli danielhilst at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 15:17:35 CET 2014

On 03/06/2014 09:34 AM, Daniel Hilst Selli wrote:
> Hi, I came across a problem while crosscompiling java plugin, I'm using
> arm architeture..
> Here is the thing, since I'm targeting an arm, I need an arm libjvm.so,
> found on EJRE, to compile java.so plugin. OK, no problem so far..
> The problem comes here, since Java plugins like GenericJMX has to be
> compiled too I need a JDK.. There is no JDK for embedded, not one that I
> know, so I need an target JRE (libjvm.so) and a host JDK (jar, javac, ...)
> AFAIK current building process has no way to setup target JRE and host
> JDK, so what I did -- is ugly -- I replace x86 libjvm.so on
> JDK_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/server/ for the one that comes on EJRE.
> Is an error prone procedure and is ugly, I'm not really an autotools
> hacker, but it should detect cross compiling, can we take advantage of
> this to setup target JRE?
> Cheers

Also would be nice if I can set rpath for java.so plugin since JAVA_HOME 
will change on target :-)

I'll take a look on "how to do it" soon, just poping up the ideas,


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