[collectd] SNMP Plugin: none sense if trafic values sent to graphite.

adnane mls at adnane.me
Fri Dec 5 17:00:31 CET 2014

hello List

*here is the facts*

5 16:50:00 CET 2014
snmpwalk -v 2c -c com cisco_switch IF-MIB::ifHCOutOctets  | grep 
  IF-MIB::ifHCOutOctets.10110 = Counter64: 40143696913
collectd sends -->  [332.43175100000002, 1417794600]
date -d @1417794600
  5 16:50:00 CET 2014

*and here is my conf*

<Plugin snmp>

   <Data "uptime">
     Type "uptime"
     Table false
     Instance ""
    scale 0.01
    Values  "DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance"

   <Data "memory_free">
     Type "memory_free"
     Table true
     Instance "CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolName"
     Values  "CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolFree"

   <Data "memory_used">
     Type "memory_used"
     Table true
     Instance "CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolName"
     Values "CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolUsed"

   <Data "CPU_usage">
     Type "percent"
     Table false
     Instance "cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue"
     Values "CISCO-PROCESS-MIB::cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue.1"

   <Data "std_traffic">
     Type "if_octets"
     Table true
     Instance "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
     values "IF-MIB::ifHCInOctets" "IF-MIB::ifHCOutOctets"

   <Host "switch">
     Address "ip"
     Version 2
     Community "com"
     Collect "memory_free" "memory_used" "std_traffic" "uptime"
     Interval 300

  cat ../../share/collectd/types.db | grep if_octets
if_octets               rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U

is it a scale ? is it the interval ? is it a cache/buffer ? I was 
thinking that switchine to cinter64 bits would make collectd send the 
right values or at least the same as snmpwalk, any help please would be 
verry apreciated, and sorry for my English, tnx.
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