[collectd] AMQP plugin ExchangeType Error

Bhat, Mahesh mabhat at ea.com
Wed Nov 6 09:51:45 CET 2013


I installed Collectd 5.4.0 very recently. The amqp plugin configuration looks like :-

LoadPlugin amqp

<Plugin "amqp">
  <Publish "collectd_publish">
    Host "xx.xx.xxx.xx"
    Port "5672"
    VHost "/"
    User "guest"
    Password "guest"
    Exchange "collectd_test"
    ExchangeType "direct"
    RoutingKey "collectd"
    Format "JSON"
    Persistent false
    StoreRates true

When I start collectd, I see the message :-
amqp plugin: Ignoring unknown configuration option "ExchangeType"

The "Publisher" does not seem to be allowed to specify the "ExchangeType". Is this by design ? If so, why ?

Thanx !
Mahesh Bhat

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