[collectd] setting up notifications

Christian Schneider christian.schneider at desy.de
Mon May 7 14:53:03 CEST 2012

Hello everybody, I'm just setting up collectd, what's working fine.
I just have a problem with notifications. I want to monitor the load
(just for starting with notifications), the "load" plugin is loaded and
collecting data. Then I added the "logfile" plugin, to have a plugin to
receive notifications. This also works, a log file is created where
collectd messages go to.
The only problem is, that I can't figure out, how to setup notifications
properly. This is my config file:
# Global
# Global settings for the daemon.

#Hostname    "localhost"
#FQDNLookup   true
#BaseDir     "/var/lib/collectd"
#PIDFile     "/var/run/collectd.pid"
#PluginDir   "/usr/local/lib/collectd"
#TypesDB     "/usr/local/share/collectd/types.db"
#Interval     10
#Timeout      2
#ReadThreads  5

# Logging
# Plugins which provide logging functions should be loaded first, so log
# messages generated when loading or configuring other plugins can be
# accessed.

LoadPlugin syslog
LoadPlugin logfile

<Plugin logfile>
        LogLevel info
        File "/var/log/collectd"
        Timestamp true
        PrintSeverity true

#<Plugin syslog>
#       LogLevel info

# Plugin section
# Plugins are loaded and configured here

# Output Plugin(s)
LoadPlugin rrdtool
<Plugin "rrdtool">
        DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/"
        CacheFlush 120
        WritesPerSecond 50

# DataCollecting Plugin(s)

LoadPlugin cpu
<Plugin "cpu">
        #nothing needed for "cpu"

LoadPlugin interface
<Plugin "interface">
        interface "lo"
        interface "sit0"
        IgnoreSelected true

LoadPlugin load
<Plugin "load">
        #nothing needed for "load"

LoadPlugin memory
<Plugin "memory">
        #nothing needed for "memory"

# Treshold Configuration for Notifications

LoadPlugin threshold
<Plugin "threshold">
        <Plugin "load">
                <Type "load">
                        FailureMax 1.0

I'm expecting to get something written in the logfile, if one of the
three loads goes above 1, but nothing happens.
Hope someone can help me here.


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