[collectd] Tail plugin and DSType gauge

Toni Ylenius toniylenius at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 15:20:17 CEST 2011


how do you use the Tail plugin with DSType gauge? I'm trying to read 
cfengine promise_summary.log file with following configuration

<Plugin tail>
    <File "/var/cfengine/promise_summary.log">
        Instance "cfengine"
            Regex "kept ([0-9]+)%"
            DSType "GaugeMin"
            Type "gauge"
            Instance "promises-kept"

and a graph looks like this

I found out that a value is reset to Nan in the function 
simple_submit_match (src/utils_tail_match.c) on each submit. I don't 
understand why is this, to me it makes more sense to retain the old 
value until the file is updated.

Toni Ylenius

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