[collectd] collectd-4.9.1 (4.10.1) and perl OpenVZ plugin

Sergey a_s_y at sama.ru
Wed Sep 1 17:46:00 CEST 2010

On Wednesday 01 September 2010, Sergey wrote:

> I try to use perl OpenVZ plugin, but collectd is not started:

The problem is same with 4.10.1. Also, I attempted to create ../Devel/OpenVZ.pm
symlink, error code changed to 255:

Sep  1 19:37:11 collectd[463]: perl: Initializing Perl interpreter...
Sep  1 19:37:11 collectdmon[462]: Warning: collectd terminated with exit status 255
Sep  1 19:37:11 collectdmon[462]: Warning: restarting collectd


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