[collectd] Tail plugin "missing" events

Claus Herwig lists at checon.de
Wed May 5 14:47:03 CEST 2010

just a quick guess:

> After that, I’m issuing 1000 requests that should match the regular
> expression, but RRD results only show at most up to 20 hits per sample.
> It looks like the plugin is “missing” entries from the log file when
> they come too quickly. Is there a workaround/solution for this problem
> or I’m doing something wrong?

Are you sure that your 1000 requests really result in 1000 matching
lines in your logfile? I just remember syslog to log the first request
and then a line saying something like "200 identical entries skipped" if
there are too many identical log entries within a short period of time...

So this could be more related to your syslog conf than to collectd.


CHECON   EDV-Consulting und Redaktion
         Claus Herwig * Barer Straße 70 * 80799 München
         +49 89 27826981 * Fax 27826982 * c.herwig at checon.de

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