[collectd] Not seeing postgres data from collectd.

James Armstrong jarmstrong at threatmetrix.com
Mon Mar 8 22:04:19 CET 2010

We're trying to add a monitor for some table sizes to collectd for a
postgres database.  Our configuration is to use a central server to host
the data, and various machines send the data to that server.

I've added the following to /etc/collectd.conf on a working machine and
restarted collectd, but the postgres data is not appearing in the UDP
packets.  I have confirmed this with tcpdump.

LoadPlugin "postgresql"


<Plugin "postgresql">
  <Query eventcount>
    Statement "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM events;"
      Type counter
      InstancePrefix "eventcount"
      ValuesFrom "count"

  <Database dwh>
    Host "192.168.X.YY"
    User "dbuser"
    Password (correct password)
    Query eventcount

The connection information for the database works, confirmed with psql.

There are no error messages in the logfile, we're using the logfile
plugin at loglevel debug.

Any debugging tips appreciated.

James Armstrong

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