[collectd] Network plugin doesn't receive any data

Honia honia2002 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 15 15:37:19 CEST 2010

Hi all,
I installed Collectd (with cryptography) on three machines: one of them would be the server and the other two clients should send their data to the server
No errors or anything and the installation went just fine. But I don't think Network plugin is collecting anything though, not sure why. I don't think it's something on my end, the plugin configurations are correct and i also created the auth_file. 
I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me find out what the problem is.

<Plugin network>
   <Listen "[Server's IP here]" "25826">
      SecurityLevel "Sign"
      AuthFile "/opt/collectd/etc/auth_file"
# TimeToLive "128"
# Forward false
# CacheFlush 1800

<Plugin network>
   <Server "[Server's IP here]" "25826">
      SecurityLevel "Sign"
      Username "client1"
      Password "password1"
# TimeToLive "128"
# Forward false
# CacheFlush 1800

<Plugin network>
   <Server "[Server's IP here]" "25826">
      SecurityLevel "Sign"
      Username "client2"
      Password "password2"
# TimeToLive "128"
# Forward false
# CacheFlush 1800

client1: password1
client2: password2
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