[collectd] patch for rrdcached plugin

Thorsten von Eicken tve at voneicken.com
Sat Oct 17 17:48:55 CEST 2009

Below is a patch so one can specify the RRD layout for the rrdcached 
plugin the same way it's specified for the rrdtool plugin. The options 
are the same, do you want a patch that duplicates the documentation?

diff -pur collectd-4.7.4/src/rrdcached.c collectd-4.7.4.MOD/src/rrdcached.c
--- collectd-4.7.4/src/rrdcached.c      2009-10-03 15:48:47.000000000 +0000
+++ collectd-4.7.4.MOD/src/rrdcached.c  2009-10-09 04:42:21.000000000 +0000
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ static const char *config_keys[] =
+  "StepSize",
+  "HeartBeat",
+  "RRARows",
+  "RRATimespan",
+  "XFF",
 static int config_keys_num = STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (config_keys);

@@ -147,6 +152,19 @@ static int value_list_to_filename (char
   return (0);
 } /* int value_list_to_filename */

+static int rrd_compare_numeric (const void *a_ptr, const void *b_ptr)
+       int a = *((int *) a_ptr);
+       int b = *((int *) b_ptr);
+       if (a < b)
+               return (-1);
+       else if (a > b)
+               return (1);
+       else
+               return (0);
+} /* int rrd_compare_numeric */
 static int rc_config (const char *key, const char *value)
   if (strcasecmp ("DataDir", key) == 0)
@@ -197,6 +215,83 @@ static int rc_config (const char *key, c
       config_collect_stats = 1;
+  else if (strcasecmp ("StepSize", key) == 0)
+  {
+    int temp = atoi (value);
+    if (temp > 0)
+      rrdcreate_config.stepsize = temp;
+  }
+  else if (strcasecmp ("HeartBeat", key) == 0)
+  {
+    int temp = atoi (value);
+    if (temp > 0)
+      rrdcreate_config.heartbeat = temp;
+  }
+  else if (strcasecmp ("RRARows", key) == 0)
+  {
+    int tmp = atoi (value);
+    if (tmp <= 0)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "rrdtool: `RRARows' must "
+          "be greater than 0.\n");
+      ERROR ("rrdtool: `RRARows' must "
+          "be greater than 0.\n");
+      return (1);
+    }
+    rrdcreate_config.rrarows = tmp;
+  }
+  else if (strcasecmp ("RRATimespan", key) == 0)
+  {
+    char *saveptr = NULL;
+    char *dummy;
+    char *ptr;
+    char *value_copy;
+    int *tmp_alloc;
+    value_copy = strdup (value);
+    if (value_copy == NULL)
+      return (1);
+    dummy = value_copy;
+    while ((ptr = strtok_r (dummy, ", \t", &saveptr)) != NULL)
+    {
+      dummy = NULL;
+      tmp_alloc = realloc (rrdcreate_config.timespans,
+          sizeof (int) * (rrdcreate_config.timespans_num + 1));
+      if (tmp_alloc == NULL)
+      {
+        fprintf (stderr, "rrdtool: realloc failed.\n");
+        ERROR ("rrdtool: realloc failed.\n");
+        free (value_copy);
+        return (1);
+      }
+      rrdcreate_config.timespans = tmp_alloc;
+      rrdcreate_config.timespans[rrdcreate_config.timespans_num] = atoi 
+      if (rrdcreate_config.timespans[rrdcreate_config.timespans_num] != 0)
+        rrdcreate_config.timespans_num++;
+    } /* while (strtok_r) */
+    qsort (/* base = */ rrdcreate_config.timespans,
+        /* nmemb  = */ rrdcreate_config.timespans_num,
+        /* size   = */ sizeof (rrdcreate_config.timespans[0]),
+        /* compar = */ rrd_compare_numeric);
+    free (value_copy);
+  }
+  else if (strcasecmp ("XFF", key) == 0)
+  {
+    double tmp = atof (value);
+    if ((tmp < 0.0) || (tmp >= 1.0))
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "rrdtool: `XFF' must "
+          "be in the range 0 to 1 (exclusive).");
+      ERROR ("rrdtool: `XFF' must "
+          "be in the range 0 to 1 (exclusive).");
+      return (1);
+    }
+    rrdcreate_config.xff = tmp;
+  }
     return (-1);

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