[collectd] OpenVPN plugin 2.0

Marco Chiappero marco at absence.it
Tue Oct 6 00:20:21 CEST 2009

Marco Chiappero wrote:
> Florian Forster wrote:
>  >> [New naming schema]
>> I'm afraid we need backwards compatibility for this. In the Sensors
>> plugin we have a config option called “ExtendedSensorNaming” for this.
>> I'd do the same here and introduce a
>>   ImprovedNamingSchema true|false
>> option which, to preserve backwardscompatibility, defaults to “false”.
> That's fine, I thought the code to be included in a major release due to 
> this change. On the other side, since the old naming schema is wrong, it 
> would be better not to let it widespread too much, so the solution you 
> are proposing looks good to me, maybe suggesting the new schema in the 
> man pages too. I'll have again a look at the code as soon as possible.

Ok, I was in a hurry and replied without thinking too much. Ok, there is 
an aspect I didn't mention: due to possible dir name collision we should 
limit to just one status file when using the old naming schema. So, to 
keep things easy, we could include the new plugin version in a major 
release which is backward-incompatible, while offering the same plugin 
but with the old naming schema only and a single file status limit for 
the other forthcoming releases. It sounds reasonable to me, small 
changes to code, man pages and changelog... Is it fine for you?


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