[collectd] RRD files are not updated

Jarle Bjørgeengen jarle at bjorgeengen.net
Fri Aug 21 14:06:04 CEST 2009

On Aug 21, 2009, at 11:54 , Domagoj Mikac wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't understand why my RRD files are not being updated.
> Currently I have 55407 RRD files.
> # find /opt/collectd/rrd -name *.rrd | wc -l
> 55407
> My server is not overloaded. I have plenty of RAM and Hard disk space,
> but when I check which RRD-s have been modified in last 20 minutes, I
> see that only 18871 RRD file has been modified.
> # find /opt/collectd/rrd -name *.rrd -mmin -20 | wc -l
> 18871
> Something is terribly wrong. Either I am doing something wrong or snmp
> plugin is not suitable for this number of variables ????
> Please give me some help regarding this issue.

Are you sure that the input sources of all rrdfiles is still getting  
updates ?

Remember that a slight name-change of any input datasources will  
create new rrdfiles in the backend, and leave the rrdfiles  
corresponding to the old names with no more updates.

Best regards                                       .~.
Jarle Bjørgeengen                                  /V\
Mob: +47 9155 7978                                // \\
http://www.uio.no/sok?person=jb                  /(   )\
while(<>){if(s/^(.*\?)$/42 !/){print "$1 $_"}}    ^`~'^

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