[collectd] Snmp exclude instances

Mirko Buffoni briareos at eswat.org
Wed Dec 17 16:12:59 CET 2008

Hi friends,

I'm trying snmp plugin to monitor router traffic.

I've succesfully configured collectd to gather router interface octects.
I'm using

    <Data "std_traffic">
        Type "if_octets"
        Table true
        Instance "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
        Values "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" "IF-MIB::ifOutOctets"

The use of Table, walks over the subtree ifDescr.
In my case it collects 18 nodes.  However I'm interested only
in 2 of them.

Looking at the code I seem unable to find a way to exclude
some of these nodes, so I was open to suggestions in how to
implement a patch to add an option like

	ExcludeInstance ".2" ".3" ...

to exclude some nodes or

	IncludeInstance ".0" ".1"

to include only these nodes

Thank you


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