[SSC Serv] SSC Serv 3.6.1 available.

Florian Forster octo at ssc-serv.com
Tue Mar 8 22:26:25 CET 2016

Hello SSC Serv users,

I'm happy to announce that version 3.6.1 is available for download. This
is a bugfix release and there are no new features in it.

The bugs fixed in this release include:

* The binaries and plugins are now statically linked with the runtime
  libraries. This removes the need to download and install the "Visual
  C++ Redistributable Package" / vcrumtine140.dll at the cost of an
  increased package size.
* The new networking code in 3.6.0 tried to close sockets with the
  close() system call, which caused a fault when shutting the service
  down. This new release correctly uses the closesocket() function

The Free Edition of SSC Serv is available from:


The paid version can be downloaded from the customer's area.

Best regards,
Florian Forster
Softwareentwicklung Florian Forster - Gerlichstraße 15, 81245 München, Germany
https://ssc-serv.com/ - VAT Reg No: DE266923694

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