[collectd] Version 5.9.1 available

Matthias Runge mrunge at matthias-runge.de
Wed Jul 24 11:09:28 CEST 2019

Hello everybody,

we are pleased to announce the availability of a stable
bugfix release, collectd-5.9.1.

In the release process of collectd-5.9.0, we forgot to add a specific
change to the changelog, and I would like to apologize to and at the
same time to thank Romain Tartière for his change to copy MetaData
to Riemann events #3158.


The bugfix version is available in source-code form from collectd's
github page https://github.com/collectd/collectd/releases

The direct download link is

* https://github.com/collectd/collectd/archive/collectd-5.9.1.tar.gz

SHA-256: 51fb72f51489cb33fa4ddd65b757d81d77c13a33b36f031d6ce2835a2eec9adb

Collect-5.9.1 contains only bugfixes mentioned in the changelog below.


Thanks to everybody who contributed to this version. In particular:

Dagobert Michelsen, Fabien Wernli, Pavel Rochnyak, Romain Tartière,
Takuro Ashie, zebity


2019-07-24, Version 5.9.1
   * collectd: redhat spec: fix build due to new upstream plugins.
     Thanks to Fabien Wernli. #3175
   * collectd: regex match: Fix unexpected match with empty meta data.
     Thanks to Takuro Ashie. #3178
   * collectd: Fix return value or loglevel for several plugins.
     Thanks to Fabien Wernli. #3182
   * collectd: Add standard include early or _FILE_OFFSET_BITS will have
     definition … .
     Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen. #3193
   * collectd: Use GCC-specific flags only when compiling with GCC.
     Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen. #3195
   * Use test_utils_proc_pids only when compiling the plugin that uses
     Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen. #3197
   * DNS plugin: Do not use headers from glibc.
     Thanks to Pavel Rochnyak. #3156, #3145
   * collectd: Add missing definitions for libnetsnmpagent.
     Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen. #3203
   * collectd: Move Makefile rules for pid_test inside conditional for
     Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen. #3206
   * collectd: Recover setlocale() call in src/daemon/collectd.c
     Thanks to Pavel Rochnyak. #3214, #3181
   * collectd: Add snprintf wrapper for GCC 8.2/3.
     Thanks to zebity. #3153, #2895, #3038
   * collectd: Fix bug that leads to CPPFLAGS gets overridden with CFLAGS
     when libxmms is enabled.
     Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen. #3207
   * Write_Riemann plugin: Copy MetaData to Riemann events in
     Thanks to Romain Tartière. #3158
   * virt plugin: Fix memory leak with libvirt MetadataXPath enabled.
     Thanks to Pavel Rochnyak. #3225, #3230
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