[collectd] IO usage

George izghitu at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 19:09:06 CET 2018


Thanks for the suggestion. I did not know something like this exists. I
have set it up with influxdb.

I wish you happy holidays.

În lun., 24 dec. 2018 la 22:28, Brandon Arp <brandonarp at gmail.com> a scris:

> I worked at a fairly large company (as far as servers go) writing data to
> rrd files.  Long story short, rrd probably isn't the system you want to be
> using for storing the data.  As you've seen, it has very high IO
> requirements.  Moving the data from rrd to other systems (happy to
> elaborate more directly, not on the mailing list) saved us a ton of
> resources, let us grow the monitoring cluster significantly, and
> drastically increased the fidelity of data.  I would recommend looking into
> some of the other time series databases out there.  Many of them will
> support 400+ clients very easily.
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