[collectd] alerting when "rrd1.value" = "rr2.value"

Gerardo Herzig gherzig at fmed.uba.ar
Tue Jun 27 19:24:54 CEST 2017

Hi all. Im using the Apache plugin. I also use aggregation over it, in this way:

<Plugin aggregation>
    Plugin "apache"
    PluginInstance "local"
    Type "apache_scoreboard"
    CalculateSum true

So i can get the "total apache connections can handle"
So, the actual problem: I want to trigger an alert when 
apache_scoreboard-open.rrd.value = aggregation_apache_scoreboard.rrd.value, meaning "all apache connections are in use"

Its that possible?

Thanks a lot!

Gerardo Herzig
Dirección de Comunicaciones y Servicios de Red
Direccion General de Organizacion y Sistemas
Facultad de Medicina

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