[collectd] Network behavior between v4 and v5

Emeric Brun ebrun at haproxy.com
Thu Feb 23 11:16:41 CET 2017

Hi All,

I want my v5 client compatible with both v4 and v5 servers.

Reading the doc:
>MaxPacketSize 1024-65535
>Set the maximum size for datagrams received over the network. Packets larger than this will be truncated. Defaults to 1452 bytes, which is the maximum payload size that can be >transmitted in one Ethernet frame using IPv6 / UDP.
>On the server side, this limit should be set to the largest value used on any client. Likewise, the value on the client must not be larger than the value on the server, or data will >be lost.
>Compatibility: Versions prior to version 4.8 used a fixed sized buffer of 1024 bytes. Versions 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 used a default value of 1024 bytes to avoid problems when sending >data to an older server.

It is not clear if MaxPacketSize affects also the client mode for datagrams sent.

If i put MaxPacketSize 1024 on my v5 client, do i have the warranty that my client will be compatible with both v4 and v5 servers?


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