[collectd] collectd calculations on multiple metrics?

Marc Fournier marc.fournier at camptocamp.com
Fri Aug 21 09:27:01 CEST 2015

Excerpts from Matt Gravlin's message of 2015-08-03 16:20:25 -0700:
> Is there a way to pre-calculate metrics using basic math before
> sending them to an output plugin such as Graphite? For example, I
> would like to calculate memory as a percent when the metrics gathered
> only provide free and used. I can do this using Graphite functions,
> but I would prefer to just send a calculated metric from collectd
> rather than using Graphite formulas. 

Not much, apart from what you can do using the "aggregation" plugin.

That said, are you aware that since version 5.5 a bunch of plugins come
with a ValuesPercentage config option doing exactly what you want ?


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