[collectd] [Microsoft] Issues with Developing a Java Writer Plugin for Microsoft's Product

Yoni Shalom yonisha at microsoft.com
Mon Apr 13 13:22:06 CEST 2015

I'm an engineer at Microsoft and my team would like to implement a Java writer plugin for our product.
I've tried to implement the simplest plugin but with no success. Didn't find any proper documentation for Java plugins development either.

Your prompt response will be highly appreciated as we're going to GA very soon and this plugin will be highly valued for our customers.

I encounter the same error over and over again, that the class provided in the LoadPlugin element (collectd.config) was not found on the agent startup.
Here's what I've done:

1.       Installed collectd using: sudo apt-get install collectd.

2.       Downloaded collectd sources.

3.       Added a new (very simple) writer plugin under /bindings/java/org/collectd/java.

4.       Modified the /bindings/java/Makefile.am:

a.       Added the writer to the EXTRA_DIST list.

b.      Added the following line to the java-build-stamp task (to create a jar for the new writer):
jar cf .lib/simple.jar "com.microsoft.java"/*.class

c.       Added the following line to the install-exec-local task:
$(INSTALL) -m 644 .libs/simple.jar \ "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/java"

5.       Executed ./configure from the sources root directory.

6.       Executed sudo make all install  from the root directory and then again from bindings/java directory.

7.       Modified collectd.config:

a.       Enabled the Java plugin

b.      Enabled the new plugin by adding: "LoadPlugin "com.microsoft.java.SimpleWriter" to the Java plugin section.

c.       Update the JVM class path argument to include the jar containing the new plugin.

8.       Started collectd by executing: sudo /etc/init.d/collectd start

Worth mentioning that when I enabled the GenericJMX plugin it has been loaded successfully.

Thanks in advance.

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