[collectd] optimal Read and Write Threads settings

Giovanni Torres giovtorres at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 4 23:15:56 CEST 2014

>From the docs:

ReadThreads Num

    Number of threads to start for reading plugins. The default value is 5, but you may want to increase this if you have more than five plugins that take a long time to read. Mostly those are plugins that do network-IO. Setting this to a value higher than the number of registered read callbacks is not recommended.

WriteThreads Num

    Number of threads to start for dispatching value lists to write plugins. The default value is 5, but you may want to increase this if you have more than five plugins that may take relatively long to write to.


What is the optimal setting for ReadThreads and WriteThreads?  Should each match the number of configured plugins with read and write callbacks?  For example, if I have the following plugins loaded:

LoadPlugin contextswitch
LoadPlugin cpu
LoadPlugin interface
LoadPlugin load
LoadPlugin memory
LoadPlugin network
LoadPlugin swap
LoadPlugin users

That's 7 read plugins and 1 write plugins.  Should my threads settings remain the default or could they be optimized?  For example:

#ReadThreads  5
#WriteThreads 5
ReadThreads  7
WriteThreads 1

Or does it not quite work that way?


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