[collectd] write_mongodb plugin for mongodb replica set?

Zhou, Yuantai yuantai.zhou at intel.com
Wed Oct 16 23:55:12 CEST 2013

We are using collectd version 5.1.0 with write_mongodb plugin to send data to mongo DB. It works very well for standalone Mongo DB. We have been tring using MongoDB replica set but no luck so far.

We tried [Host "ip1,ip2,ip3"] in the write_mongodb plugin config and got "write_mongodb plugin: Connecting to [ip1,ip2,ip3]:27017 failed". We tried the [host "ip1:port","ip2:port","ip3:port"] in the write_mongodb plugin config and got same error.

Is there a version of write-mongodb plugin or collectd that supports Mongo DB replica set? If not, any recommendations for getting the collectd to support mongodb replica set?

Yuantai Zhou

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