[collectd] notify_email no longer working...

Dirk Geschke dirk at lug-erding.de
Fri Oct 11 23:02:59 CEST 2013

Hi all,

I have just noticed, that notify_email is no longer working. And
it seems that it happened with the upgrade to wheezy, with squeeze
it worked...

Now I noticed, that one has now to load the plugin "threshold"
explicitly, but this seems not to help at all.

Probably it is only a configuration error, but I have no clue 
what it might be. Has anyone an idea?

For example I have something like:

LoadPlugin "threshold"
    <Type "load">
         DataSource "midterm"
         WarningMax 10
         Hits 3
         Hysteresis 3


LoadPlugin notify_email
<Plugin notify_email>
        SMTPServer ""
        SMTPPort 25
        From "collectd at lug-erding.de"
        Subject "[collectd] %s on %s!"
        Recipient "dirk at lug-erding.de"

Has anyone an idea where I can locate the problem? I guess, it is a
problem between version 4.10 (squeeze) and 5.1 (wheezy). But somehow
I did not see it...

Best regards


| Dr. Dirk Geschke       / Plankensteinweg 61    / 85435 Erding        |
| Telefon: 08122-559448  / Mobil: 0176-96906350 / Fax: 08122-9818106   |
| dirk at geschke-online.de / dirk at lug-erding.de  / kontakt at lug-erding.de |

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