[collectd] Collectd 5.1.0 - GenericJMX plugin

Manish Sapariya manish.sapariya at kpoint.com
Sat Sep 29 09:49:55 CEST 2012

I installed collectd-5.1.0 from sources.

The sample file for java plugins section is as follows
<Plugin "java">
         #JVMArg "-verbose:jni"
         JVMArg "-verbose:jni 

which result in error...

[2012-09-27 14:06:44] cjni_init_native: Cannot find the API class 
"org.collectd.api.Collectd". Please set the correct class path using 
'JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=..."'.

After few trials I figured that everything is fine if you remove 
"-verbose:jni" from JVMArg.

Is this a known issue?

Thanks and Regards,

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