[collectd] Aggregation plugin problems

Bastian Ballmann bastian.ballmann at inf.ethz.ch
Mon Oct 22 14:18:52 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I am trying to use the aggregation plugin to summarize some snmp graphs.
Here's the config I use:

<Plugin "aggregation">
       Host "/any/"
       Plugin "snmp"
       PluginInstance "/all/"
       Type "watt"
       TypeInstance "/any/"
       CalculateSum true
       CalculateAverage true

Unfortunately I cannot use LoadPlugin to load the aggregation plugin, 
because there is no aggregation.so in /usr/lib/collectd neither in my 
local installation nor in the newest git code tree
Do I have to do some other magic to activate it?

TIA && have a nice day


ETH Zürich, Bastian Ballmann, IT Service Group
CAB E 44.1, Universitätsstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zürich
Tel +41 44 632 72 04

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