[collectd] RPM Repository for CentOS 6 builds (x86_64/i386)

Ulrich Habel rhaen at cpan.org
Thu Jan 26 18:13:08 CET 2012


I am using the collectd 5 release branch for my servers/environments.
EPEL provides a nice 4.10 package, however, a 5.x package seems to be
missing. I have setup a small RPM repository with collectd-5 release
for x86_64 and i386 for RHEL 6.x/CentOS based distributions.

I only need the x86_64 arch, however, as I am using mock it should be
easy to build the i386 arch as well. The repository provides GPG
signed packages (with my GPG key) and a basic rpm packages which will
setup the required configuration in /etc/yum.repos.d/.

You can find the detailed information here:


Enjoy collectd!



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