[collectd] Collectd over quoted filesystem

collectd at faxm0dem.org collectd at faxm0dem.org
Mon Feb 27 16:36:08 CET 2012


On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:54:05AM +0000, Daniel Hilst wrote:
> I've forgotten debug turned on, and this fills up my filesystem, I'm
> stupid I know. To keep me safe from my stupidity I want to install
> collectd over a `collectd' user over a quoted filesystem. So in the
> worse case I got collectd stopped instead of my entire system.
> The quota stuff I can handle, my question is how to install collectd
> with a custom user. I try ./configure --with-user=collectd but no...
> was just a try.. Is there a configure or make option to complete
> that?

We're running collectd using a non-privileged user, and most of the system
plugins work just fine. We use a redhat-style init script that sets up what
needs to be as 'root', then starts the collectd daemon using another user.

You're referring to compilation, whereas this is a runtime issue.


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