[collectd] submit collectd notifications to nagios external command queue?

Russell Poyner rpoyner at engr.wisc.edu
Mon Aug 6 22:11:07 CEST 2012

I'm interested in using collectd as a replacement to remotely executing 
nagios plugins on client machines to gather data.

I originally intended to use collectd-nagios to pull data from collectd 
through the unixsock, but then I saw this post:


And thought that it might be pretty simple to write a plugin to receive 
threshold notifications and submit them to the nagios external command 
queue. Nagios just needs to be configured for passive checks, and to 
process it's command queue regularly.

The original post I think envisioned a more deeply integrated nagios 
event broker, but the command queue hack *should* work(?)

To my thinking this approach should capture the strengths of both nagios 
and collectd. It uses nagios's well-developed dashboard, email 
notification system, and dependency tracking. And it leverages 
collectd's strength in gathering data. Finally it should eliminate the 
need to run nrpe on clients.

If no one is working on this I'll hack together a perl plugin and post 
it back.


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