[collectd] Collectd complex perl plugin question ...

Fabien Wernli collectd at faxm0dem.org
Wed Apr 4 13:50:10 CEST 2012


On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 10:58:07AM +0200, Sebastian Harl wrote:
> However, you could simple skip a couple of intervals in the read
> callback function. I.e., use a global variable (for each instance of the
> callback) to count down the number of intervals to be skipped. Make sure
> to return 0 in case you skip the current interval. Then, manually set
> the interval appropriately when dispatching values.

Here's my two cents of what I have in all my perl plugins to handle the
"Interval" config option:

package Collectd::Plugins::Mine;

use Collectd qw( :all );

my $interval = $interval_g;
my $hostname = $hostname_g;
my $last_ts = time();


sub my_config {
  for my $child (@{$_[0] -> {children}}) {
    if ($child -> {key} eq "Interval") {
      $interval = $child -> {values} -> [0];

sub my_get {
  my $ts = time;
  return 1 if ($ts < $interval + $last_ts);
  $last_ts = $ts;
  return 1;


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