[collectd] rrdgraph in javascript

Richard Wall richard at the-moon.net
Tue Sep 6 00:37:52 CEST 2011

On 4 September 2011 22:49, Manuel Luis Sanmartín Rozada
<manuel.luis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Richard, thanks for the changes.
> I reorganized the code, separated the draw functions and add output in
> svg and pdf, there are some issues with the calculation of text width,
> align etc...
> I separated the function to fetch the data, functionality  to add
> different fetch functions in the same graph  is still lacking.


Great news. I haven't had time to do much testing, but I really like
the new modular code layout and the extra output options are very

For me the svg output seems much faster than canvas...and the client
side PDF creation is an amazing feature.

Keep up the good work and let me know how I can contribute.


PS. I mentioned jsrrdgraph on the rrd mailing list and there was a lot
of interest. Might be worth you announcing your new features there

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