[collectd] Segfault with apache plugin

Wayne Khan kzhiwei at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 05:52:30 CEST 2011

Hello collectd,
Attempting to restart collectd with the apache plugin enabled results
in a segfault:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/collectd restart
Restarting statistics collection and monitoring daemon:
collectd/etc/init.d/collectd: line 67: 12305 Segmentation fault
Not restarting collectd.

Relevant entries in /etc/collectd/collectd.conf are:

LoadPlugin apache


<Plugin apache>
   <Instance "localhost">
      URL "http://localhost/server-status?auto"
#     User "www-user"
#     Password "secret"
      VerifyPeer false
      VerifyHost false
#     CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
      Server "localhost"

Note that the problem is not related to httpd, since
http://localhost/server-status?auto produces output. So I found that
the problem is with VerifyPeer, VerifyHost. Even if set to false, I
believe it attempts to perform some kind ssl-related action, hence the
segfault. The error message is not particular descriptive, hence this
bug report.

Commenting out VerifyPeer, VerifyHost resolves the problem.

I am using Ubuntu 10.04:

$ uname -a
Linux aargau 2.6.32-30-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 21:30:21 UTC
2011 i686 GNU/Linux

Collectd was installed via 'sudo apt-get install collectd -y
--fix-missing'. Dpkg -l output indicates:

$ dpkg -l | grep collectd
ii  collectd                             4.8.2-1ubuntu0.1
                  statistics collection and monitoring daemon
ii  collectd-core                        4.8.2-1ubuntu0.1
                  statistics collection and monitoring daemon
ii  collectd-utils                       4.8.2-1ubuntu0.1
                  statistics collection and monitoring daemon
ii  libcollectdclient0                   4.8.2-1ubuntu0.1
                  client library for collectd's control interf

Hope this helps.

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