[collectd] collection4 nitpicking

Trent W. Buck twb-mailman-collectd at cyber.com.au
Tue Jun 21 04:13:06 CEST 2011

I've just replaced collection 3 with collection 4.0.0+34, and on the
whole I am impressed.

I notice that /etc/collection.conf starts with CacheFile
"/tmp/collection4.json", which immediately sets off my spidey security
senses[0].  Would it be better to a different default, such as

[0] http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs/Secure-Programs-HOWTO/avoid-race.html

                                * * *

Secondly, why is FastCGI being used?  My life would be easier if
collection4 was an "app server", i.e. it was a permanently-running
daemon that spoke HTTP to the "real" web server, being a reverse proxy
like varnish, nginx or apache mod_proxy.

I ended up putting apache on the collection server simply to translate
FastCGI calls into HTTP requests.  I realize that FastCGI is
theoretically networkable, but IIRC setting it up is a PITA and allows
anyone on the local network to execute arbitrary programs on the
server -- though maybe that's just php5-cgi...

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