[collectd] FW: New collectd Plugin to Analyze the CUBRID RDBMS

에센 사그노브 esen.sagynov at nhn.com
Thu Apr 21 10:59:04 CEST 2011


I have noticed quite active discussions at this mailing list however I have not received a response for my suggestion so far. I was wondering if it had reached the target.

Please let me know your response.


Esen Sagynov.
CUBRID Project Manager.

-----Original Message-----
From: "에센 사그노브"<esen.sagynov at nhn.com> 
To: collectd at verplant.org
Sent: 11-04-07(목) 14:18:32
Subject: New collectd Plugin to Analyze the CUBRID RDBMS

Hello guys,

We have recently completed the implementation of the CUBRIDRDBMS plugin for collectd based on version 4.10.2 under the BSDlicense.

I would like to suggest the core collectd team or itsadministrators to add our CUBRID plugin to the list of availableplugins on http://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Table_of_Plugins.

To download the plugin, click on http://dev.naver.com/projects/cubrid/forum/16891/7285/collectd-4.10.2-cubrid-20110112.tar.gz.

To install:

1. tar zxvf collectd-4.10.2-cubrid-20110112.tar.gz 
2. cd collectd-4.10.2-cubrid 
3. autoreconf 
4. ./configure --prefix=$HOME/collectd--with-libcubrid=$CUBRID 
5. make -j 4 
6. make install 


1. vim $HOME/collectd/collectd.conf 
2. $HOME/collectd/sbin/collectd -t 
3. $HOME/collectd/sbin/collectd -T 
4. $HOME/collectd/sbin/collectd -F

If you need some more explanations or would prefer us to fillout the Wiki, please let me know.


Esen Sagynov.
CUBRID Project Manager.

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