[collectd] RRDtool output at the server's side

lanas lanas at securenet.net
Wed Apr 13 01:05:51 CEST 2011

Hello !

I think I have rightly configured both client and server.  I do
not see any materialization of the data received at the server
side.  I ran tcpdumps at both the client and server and saw the
collectd UDP messages sent from the client side and received at
the server's.  If you wish, see the configuration below.

It seems that data is sent from the client ot the server, and I
am (perhaps wrongly) expecting to see some data on the server#s
side in: /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/rrd.  But it ran for a
few hours and nothing was to be found in that directory.  Why
woudl that be ?

I also have a side question:

Is it possible to have various verbose levels of debug messages
in the log file ?  I have tried, with LoadPlugin syslog

   <Plugin syslog>
  	LogLevel debug

But only got:

Apr 12 11:09:18 localhost collectd[26523]: Initialization
complete, entering read-loop.

Thanks very much for any suggestion/hints/comments !

1) Server config

Hostname    "localhost"
#FQDNLookup   true
BaseDir     "/opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd"
PIDFile     "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd.pid"
PluginDir   "/opt/collectd/lib/collectd"
TypesDB     "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/types.db"
Interval     10
Timeout      2
ReadThreads  5

LoadPlugin syslog

  <Plugin syslog>
  	LogLevel debug

LoadPlugin rrdtool

  <Plugin rrdtool>
  	DataDir "/opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
  	CacheTimeout 120
  	CacheFlush   900
          WritesPerSecond 1

LoadPlugin network
  <Plugin network>
    Listen "" "25826"

2) Client config

Hostname    "br3"
#FQDNLookup   true
BaseDir     "/opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd"
PIDFile     "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd.pid"
PluginDir   "/opt/collectd/lib/collectd"
TypesDB     "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/types.db"
Interval     10
Timeout      2
ReadThreads  5

LoadPlugin syslog
<Plugin syslog>
	LogLevel info

LoadPlugin cpu
LoadPlugin interface
LoadPlugin load
LoadPlugin memory
LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
  Server "" "25826"

3) Data is sent periodically to the server, as seen in tcpdumps
on both sides.  Here's the output of 'netstat -ntulp' for both:

udp  0 0*  25842/collectd      

udp  0 0*  9085/collectd   

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