[collectd] hierarhy of rrd files in client-server mode.

Sergey a_s_y at sama.ru
Thu Sep 9 16:21:33 CEST 2010


I seen that collectd-server write rrd's of clients to <BaseDir>/rrd/.
It isn't good some cases. For example, plugin OpenVZ (perl) wrote
data to <BaseDir>/rrd/<OVZ ID>/*. In client-server mode this data 
fall to <BaseDir>/rrd/ of server. But <OVZ ID> can be same on any
cliens (it isn't recommended, but can be). I think that BaseDir
should be changeable for untrusted clients or any other cases.
For example, in network config:

<Plugin network>
	<Client "IP|hostname">
		AddBaseDir "ClientHostname"

Is it possible ?


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