[collectd] RRDTool slowdowns

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Wed Jun 30 16:04:31 CEST 2010

Mirko Buffoni schrieb am Wednesday, den 30. June 2010:

> Hi folks,
> I recently upgraded rrdtool from version 1.2 to 1.4.
> Previous version was using libattr, while the new makes use of pango / 
> fontconfig / cairo for rendering.
> I'm noticing tremendous slowdowns in generation of rrdgraphs.
> It's about 10~20 times slower than before.
> I'm currently using only dejavu-lgc-fonts, and I'm on a standard CentOS 5.3 
> distribution.
> I was wondering if anyone of you experienced such degradation problems 
> during rendering of
> collected data.
> I'm open to suggestions.  Thank you.
*speaking with my debian rrdtool maintainer hat on*

Unfortunatly that is a known problem with rrd 1.4.x, cairo is much slower
than in 1.2.x. The only way to prevent this is to stay on 1.2  


Alexander Wirt, formorer at formorer.de 
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