[collectd] Filter chains and network forwarding

Dennis Opacki dopacki at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 23:42:19 CEST 2010


I'm hoping to get some help with a filter chain question. I'm deploying a
collectd proxy/aggregator, using the network plugin. While I'm able to
successfully forward data I receive, I'd like to be able to rewrite the
hostname field on messages I receive from the network, before sending them
on to another host.

I've included a sample config file I've been working with. Can filters even
be applied to forwarded messages? I'm using collectd on
Ubuntu sid ( kernel).

LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
  Listen "" "25826"
  Forward true
  Server "central-loghost.mydomain.com"
PreCacheChain "MyChain"
<Chain "MyChain">
  <Rule "rewrite_hostname">
    <Match "regex">
      Host ".*"
    <Target "replace">
      Host ".*" "consistent-hostname.mydomain"
    <Target "write">
      Plugin "network"

Any help in sorting this would be greatly appreciated.


-Dennis Opacki
 dopacki at gmail.com
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