[collectd] collectd chains

lftgl table v.lftgl at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 18 11:07:44 CEST 2009

 thats all funny

i play around with collectd chains and collect values for just one server

now i'd like to collect cpu-values for "cpu-0" with a new hostname
(prechache.server.live), by using a PreChacheChain

TypesDB "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/types.db"
TypesDB "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/custom_types.db"
PluginDir "/opt/collectd/lib/collectd"
FQDNLookup "true"
PIDFile "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd.pid"
BaseDir "/opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd"
Hostname "bm-64-21.server.live"

LoadPlugin rrdcached
<Plugin rrdcached>
        DaemonAddress "bm-64-21.server.live"
        DataDir "/opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
        CreateFiles true
        CollectStatistics true

LoadPlugin logfile
<Plugin logfile>
        LogLevel "debug"
        File "/opt/collectd/var/log/collectd.log"
        Timestamp "true"

LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
        Listen "" "25926"

PreCacheChain "TestPreCache"
LoadPlugin match_regex
LoadPlugin target_set

<Chain "TestPreCache">

        <Rule "testrule1">
                <Match "regex">
                        Host "^bm-64-21.server.live$"
                        Plugin "^cpu$"
                        PluginInstance "^0$"
                        Type "^cpu$"
                        TypeInstance "idle$"
                <Target "set">
                        Host "prechache.server.live"



i would expect just one file in the folder
prechache.server.live/cpu-0/cpu-idle.rrd ,
but there are lots of files and the daemon still collects values for

ls -1d  /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/rrd/bm-64-21.server.live/*

ls -1d  /opt/collectd/var/lib/collectd/rrd/prechache.server.live/*
.. and many more plugins, but not the complete list like in

when i try to use PostChacheChains, the collectd cannot establish a
connection to the rrdcached

logfile: read-function of plugin `rrdcached' failed. Will suspend it for 80

any explanations, or did i just misconfigured the chains ?
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