[collectd] how to create more graphs wwith one perl script

Frank Kellner Frank.Kellner at gmx.at
Sun Nov 22 17:06:47 CET 2009



at first please excuse my bad english.


I have create an perl script to receive four values.

Now I want to create four single rrd files, but I don't now how.


When I start collectd with the option -T I get this message


LOG: 4 - perl: Collectd::plugin_dispatch_values with two arguments is
deprecated - pass the type through values->{type}.


At this time I get only one rrd-file with the four values.


What is the right way to get four single rrd-files?


Can someone help me?




This is my config in collectd.conf:

<Plugin perl>

        IncludeDir "/home/frank"

        BaseName "Collectd::Plugins"

        LoadPlugin "Energymeter"




And this is my perl.script:


#!/usr/bin/perl -w


use IO::Socket;

use strict;

use warnings;


package Collectd::Plugins::Energymeter;


use Collectd qw( :all );


my $dataset =



     name => 'energy1_ds',

     type => Collectd::DS_TYPE_GAUGE,

     min  => 0,

     max  => 65536.0,



     name => 'energy2_ds',

     type => Collectd::DS_TYPE_GAUGE,

     min  => 0,

     max  => 65536.0,



     name => 'energy3_ds',

     type => Collectd::DS_TYPE_GAUGE,

     min  => 0,

     max  => 65536.0,



     name => 'energy4_ds',

     type => Collectd::DS_TYPE_GAUGE,

     min  => 0,

     max  => 65536.0,





# This code is executed after loading the plugin to register it with

Collectd::plugin_register (Collectd::TYPE_LOG, 'Energymeter', 'my_log' );

Collectd::plugin_register (Collectd::TYPE_DATASET, 'Energymeter', $dataset);

Collectd::plugin_register (Collectd::TYPE_INIT, 'Energymeter', 'my_init' );

Collectd::plugin_register (Collectd::TYPE_READ, 'Energymeter', 'my_read' );

Collectd::plugin_register (Collectd::TYPE_WRITE, 'Energymeter', 'my_write'

Collectd::plugin_register (Collectd::TYPE_SHUTDOWN, 'Energymeter',
'my_shutdown' );




# This function is called once upon startup to initialize the plugin.


sub my_init


        # open sockets, initialize data structures, ...


        # A false return value indicates an error and causes the plugin to

        # disabled.

        return 1;

} # my_init ()



 # This function is called in regular intervals to collectd the data.


sub my_read


    my $vl = {};

    my $socket = '';


    my $ip_address  = "";


    my $power1 = 0;

    my $power2 = 0;

    my $power3 = 0;

    my $power4 = 0;


    $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (

       PeerAddr => $ip_address,

       PeerPort => 3673,

       Type => 1,

       Proto    => getprotobyname('tcp'),


    die "Energymeter: Unable to open connection: $!\n"

       unless defined $socket;



    print $socket "get_value";


    #while (<$socket>)();


    my $data = <$socket>;


    my @tokens = split(/ /,$data);


    my @local_temp = split(/:/,$tokens[0]);

    $power1 = $local_temp[1];


    @local_temp = split(/:/,$tokens[1]);

    $power2 = $local_temp[1];


    @local_temp = split(/:/,$tokens[2]);

    $power3 = $local_temp[1];


    @local_temp = split(/:/,$tokens[3]);



    $power4 = $local_temp[1];


    $vl->{'values'} = [ $power1, $power2, $power3, $power4 ];

    $vl->{'plugin'} = 'Energymeter';


    Collectd::plugin_dispatch_values ( 'Energymeter', $vl );


    close $socket;


    return 1;



# This function is called after values have been dispatched to collectd.

sub my_write


        my $type = shift;

        my $ds   = shift;

        my $vl   = shift;


        if (scalar (@$ds) != scalar (@{$vl->{'values'}})) {

                Collectd::plugin_log (Collectd::LOG_WARNING,

                        "DS number does not match values length");




        for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar (@$ds); ++$i) {

                # do the magic to output the data

                print "$vl->{'host'}: $vl->{'plugin'}: ";


                if (defined $vl->{'plugin_instance'}) {

                        print "$vl->{'plugin_instance'}: ";



                print "$type: ";


                if (defined $vl->{'type_instance'}) {

                        print "$vl->{'type_instance'}: ";



                print "$vl->{'values'}->[$i]\n";


        return 1;

} # my_write()


# This function is called before shutting down collectd.

sub my_shutdown


        # close sockets, ...

        return 1;

} # my_shutdown ()


# This function is called when plugin_log () has been used.

sub my_log


        my $level = shift;

        my $msg   = shift;


        print "LOG: $level - $msg\n";

        return 1;

} # my_log ()


return 1;


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