[collectd] onewire plugin

Pavel Vávra plamen at square.cz
Mon Nov 2 22:14:29 CET 2009

  I want to use onewire plugit to reading temperature. Unfurtunately I use another temperature sensors, DS18B20 with family code "28." I look to siurce code of plugin and I want to ask if it will be enough to change family code in source to get it working. Comparing page http://owfs.org/index.php?page=ds18s20 with http://owfs.org/index.php?page=ds18b20 it seems that family 28 is an enhancement of family 10 and I guess it has to work.
  I have no working 1-wire device now, I have to build it during next few weeks. I am developing really simple set of shell scripts controlling heating system in my home. I decide to use an aliases for each sensor make it more readable. I think that aliases are useful when more than two sensors will be used, could you please return aliases back to this plugin? I think that possible way is to configure it as follows:
<Plugin "onewire">
	Device "-s localhost:4304"
		id "28.123546789ABC"
		alias "Temperature sensor in bathroom"
		id "10.CBA987654321"
		alias "Temperature sensor in living room"
		id "28.123546789123"
		alias "Temperature sensor in my bottle of RUM"

or - with a different structure (but more common model covering all 1-wire devices), so I use different plugin name in this example. See to lines with "get" keyword: I suggest to use real properties names as described at e.g. http://owfs.org/index.php?page=ds18b20 for DS18B20 sensors following with an descriptive alias.

<Plugin "one_wire_ver_2">
  <Hub "-s localhost:4304">    # or it will be better to name it "Server"?
      id "28.123546789ABC"
      get "fasttemp" "Bathroom temperature" # see to man page at http://owfs.org/index.php?page=ds18b20 - fastest register with temperature
    <Sensor "Temperature sensor in living room" >
      id "10.CBA987654321"
      get "temperature" "Temperature in living room" # name of register with temperature with an alias
      id "28.123546789123"
      get "templow" "Freeze limit"  # temperature limit .... can store limit value and draw it to graph so you can see underflow of temperature
      get "temphigh" "Too hot to drink"  # similar to previous line
      get "temperature11" "RUM temperature" # according to manpage the temperature reading at 11 bits

Could you please confirm that change of family code is enough to work with my devices? I'll be happy if I will be able to use new devices.

Thank you,
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