[collectd] [PATCH] couchdb plugin

Doug MacEachern Doug.MacEachern at hyperic.com
Wed May 6 08:33:04 CEST 2009

Hi All,

Started to get familiar with CouchDB over the weekend and ended up
writing the attached plugin.  There's a bit borrowed from some of the
other plugins esp. curl, both code and spirit.. It's generic so you can
pull any values of a couchdb doc, but the .pod and .conf examples are
there out of the box.  Seems most RPMs of couchdb are 0.8, but the
/_stats module requires 0.9 (ended up testing that with the CouchDBX mac
.app).  yajl also required a cmake update to build, I didn't look around
for RPMs of that yet.  Anyone here using/tried CouchDB?


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