[collectd] Plugin cpu and "merged" stat

Greg greg at easyflirt.com
Wed Jan 14 14:08:09 CET 2009


> It's not quite as easy as that:
>  - imho that behavior should be made optional, thus you need to
>    introduce a new config option + documentation

not necessarily, it will just create a cpu/ folder on GNU Linux boxes...

>  - the plugin instance would have to be handled separately (with your
>    patch the combined stats would be attached to the cpu0 stats, since
>    atoi(" ") returns 0 - at least on my GNU/Linux box)
>  - The non-Linux cases would have to be handled as well, e.g. in the
>    PROCESSOR_CPU_LOAD_INFO case, the plugin would have to sum up the
>    individual values (another reason why this should be optional)
> All of that should be fairly trivial though - would you like to give it
> a try?

If someone do the patch, yes.
I'm not C experienced, so I'm starting a perl plugin that will do this. 
About perl plugin, did someone have a 4.4 real one, it will save me time ?


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