[collectd] network plugin not receiving any data

Philipp Giebel newsletter at amb-net.de
Mon Jan 21 12:22:05 CET 2008

Hi everybody - it's me again.. ;)

This morning I saw that there is an email plugin, now.. So I installed v4.2.3 
on my mailserver, configured and started it, but my "main collectd" wasn't 
receiving any data from the mail-server. It still received data from other 
servers using oder versions of collectd.

So I updated the main-collectd to v4.2.3, too. No success...
Then a friend of mine told me, that there's v4.2.4 availible now.. So I 
updated to v4.2.4.. :) Still no success..

Here's some info about my system:

The main-server is a "real" server, the others, listet here, are vservers 
(linux-vserver.org) on the same machine.. In all cases I have installed 
Debian Etch and a self-compiled collectd v4.2.4..
There are other (non-virtual) servers in other places, also sending their data 
to the main-server. That's why it also listenes on its public IP..

IPs: &


Hostname    "lampenschirm"
BaseDir     "/var/lib/collectd"
PIDFile     "/var/run/collectd.pid"
PluginDir   "/usr/lib/collectd"
TypesDB     "/usr/lib/collectd/types.db"
Interval     10
ReadThreads  5

LoadPlugin apache
LoadPlugin cpu
LoadPlugin df
LoadPlugin disk
LoadPlugin dns
LoadPlugin entropy
LoadPlugin hddtemp
LoadPlugin interface
LoadPlugin irq
LoadPlugin load
LoadPlugin logfile
LoadPlugin memory
LoadPlugin network
LoadPlugin perl
LoadPlugin ping
LoadPlugin processes
LoadPlugin rrdtool
LoadPlugin serial
LoadPlugin swap
LoadPlugin syslog
LoadPlugin tcpconns
LoadPlugin users
LoadPlugin vserver

<Plugin apache>
        URL "http://web/server-status?auto"

<Plugin df>
        MountPoint "/"
        MountPoint "/var/lib/vservers"
        FSType "ext3"

<Plugin hddtemp>
        Host ""
        Port "7634"

<Plugin interface>
        Interface "eth0"
        Interface "dummy0"

<Plugin logfile>
        LogLevel info
        File STDOUT

<Plugin network>
        Server "" "25826"
        Listen "" "25826"
        Listen "" "25826"
        TimeToLive "128"
        Forward false
        CacheFlush 1800

<Plugin ping>
        Host "www.google.de"

<Plugin rrdtool>
        DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
        CacheTimeout 120
        CacheFlush   900

<Plugin syslog>
        LogLevel info


*mail* (new!)
IPs: /


Hostname    "mail"
Server      "" 25826
BaseDir     "/var/lib/collectd"
PIDFile     "/var/run/collectd.pid"
PluginDir   "/usr/lib/collectd"
TypesDB     "/usr/lib/collectd/types.db"
Interval     10
ReadThreads  5

LoadPlugin email
LoadPlugin network

<Plugin email>
        SocketFile "/var/run/collectd-email"
        SocketGroup "collectd"
        SocketPerms "0770"
        MaxConns 5

<Plugin network>
        Server "" "25826"
        Listen "" "25826"
        TimeToLive "128"
        Forward false
        CacheFlush 1800


*stuff* (old but updated to v4.2.4)
IPs: /


Hostname    "stuff"
Server      "" 25826
BaseDir     "/var/lib/collectd"
PIDFile     "/var/run/collectd.pid"
PluginDir   "/usr/lib/collectd"
TypesDB     "/usr/lib/collectd/types.db"
Interval     10
ReadThreads  5

LoadPlugin exec
LoadPlugin network

<Plugin exec>
        Exec "rrduser" "/usr/local/bin/rrd-radio.php"

<Plugin network>
        Server "" "25826"
        Listen "" "25826"
        TimeToLive "128"
        Forward false
        CacheFlush 1800


"main" was still receiving data from "stuff" 'till I updated "stuff" to 
v4.2.4. Now it doesn't receive any data anymore..
Data from "mail" was never received. Not even the directory 
at "/var/lib/collectd/rrd/" exists...

That's all, I guess.. :) If anything is missing, just tell me..
And thanks a lot in advance for your help.. I know how fast you are.. ;)


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